Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Plugin registration tool Timeout Exception

When you registering the plugin using plugin registration tool the plugin doesn't get registered and you will get the exception below

Unhandled Exception: System.TimeoutException: The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:01:59.9139778.Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding.

The above error may be occur of slow internet connection or your early bind class may be an big size.

If your Early bound class is an big size you can reduce the size of early bound class by following the bellow steps:

  1. Create a new C# class library project in Visual Studio called SvcUtilFilter.
  2. In the project, add references to the following:

  • CrmSvcUtil.exe(from sdk)   This exe has the interface we will implement.

  • Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll

  • System.Runtime.Serialization.

  • Add the following class to the project:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    using Microsoft.Crm.Services.Utility;
    using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata;

    namespace SvcUtilFilter
        /// <summary>
        /// CodeWriterFilter for CrmSvcUtil that reads list of entities from an xml file to
        /// determine whether or not the entity class should be generated.
        /// </summary>
        public class CodeWriterFilter : ICodeWriterFilterService
            //list of entity names to generate classes for.
            private HashSet<string> _validEntities = new HashSet<string>();
            //reference to the default service.
            private ICodeWriterFilterService _defaultService = null;

            /// <summary>
            /// constructor
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="defaultService">default implementation</param>
            public CodeWriterFilter( ICodeWriterFilterService defaultService )
                this._defaultService = defaultService;

            /// <summary>
            /// loads the entity filter data from the filter.xml file
            /// </summary>
            private void LoadFilterData()
                XElement xml = XElement.Load("filter.xml");
                XElement entitiesElement = xml.Element("entities");
                foreach (XElement entityElement in entitiesElement.Elements("entity"))

            /// <summary>
            /// /Use filter entity list to determine if the entity class should be generated.
            /// </summary>
            public bool GenerateEntity(EntityMetadata entityMetadata, IServiceProvider services)
                return (_validEntities.Contains(entityMetadata.LogicalName.ToLowerInvariant()));

            //All other methods just use default implementation:

            public bool GenerateAttribute(AttributeMetadata attributeMetadata, IServiceProvider services)
                return _defaultService.GenerateAttribute(attributeMetadata, services);

            public bool GenerateOption(OptionMetadata optionMetadata, IServiceProvider services)
                return _defaultService.GenerateOption(optionMetadata, services);

            public bool GenerateOptionSet(OptionSetMetadataBase optionSetMetadata, IServiceProvider services)
                return _defaultService.GenerateOptionSet(optionSetMetadata, services);

            public bool GenerateRelationship(RelationshipMetadataBase relationshipMetadata, EntityMetadata otherEntityMetadata, IServiceProviderservices)
                return _defaultService.GenerateRelationship(relationshipMetadata, otherEntityMetadata, services);

            public bool GenerateServiceContext(IServiceProvider services)
                return _defaultService.GenerateServiceContext(services);

    This class implements the ICodeWriterFilterService interface.  This interface is used by the class generation utility to determine which entities, attrributes, etc. should actually be generated.  The interface is very simple and just has seven methods that are passed metadata info and return a boolean indicating whether or not the metadata should be included in the generated code file.   

    For now I just want to be able to determine which entities are generated, so in the constructor I read from an XML file (filter.xml) that holds the list of entities to generate and put the list in a Hashset.  The format of the xml is this:


    Take a look at the methods in the class. In the GenerateEntity method, we can simply check the EntityMetadata parameter against our list of valid entities and return true if it's an entity that we want to generate.

    For all of the other methods we want to just do whatever the default implementation of the utility is.  Notice how the constructor of the class accepts a defaultService parameter.  We can just save a reference to this default service and use it whenever we want to stick with the default behavior.  All of the other methods in the class just call the default service.

    To use our extension when running the utility, we just have to make sure the compiled DLL and the filter.xml file are in the same folder as CrmSvcUtil.exe, and set the /codewriterfilter command-line argument when running the utility (as described in the SDK):

    CrmSvcUtil.exe /url:https://<orgName> /out:Xrm.cs / /password:******* /namespace:Xrm /codewriterfilter:SvcUtilFilter.CodeWriterFilter,SvcUtilFilter

    That's it! You now have a generated sdk.cs file that is only a few hundred kilobytes instead of 5MB. 

    One final note:  There is actually a lot more you can do with extensions to the code generation utility.  For example: if you return true in the GenerateOptionSet method, it will actually generated Enums for each CRM picklist (which it doesn't normally do by default).

    Also, the source code for this SvcUtilFilter example can be found here.  Use at your own risk, no warranties, etc. etc. 

    Sunday, 19 January 2014

    Get entity form name in CRM 2013 using Javascript.

    function getFormName() {
        var formLabel = Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem().getLabel();
        if (formLabel == 'YourFormName') {
           //Write your logic here.

    Retrieve lookup field data in CRM 2013 usign javascript.

    The following sample code is used to retrieve entity information by Entity Id via Javascript.

    function getRecordDetails() {
        var EntityName, EntityId, LookupFieldObject;
        var Name = "";
        var resultXml;
        LookupFieldObject ='parentaccountid');
        if (LookupFieldObject.getValue() != null) {
            EntityId = LookupFieldObject.getValue()[0].id;
            EntityName = LookupFieldObject.getValue()[0].entityType;
            resultXml = getDetails(EntityName, EntityId);
    // Retrieve optionset value and set the value to current record field.
            if (resultXml != null && resultXml.attributes['new_industry'] != null) {
                var industry = resultXml.attributes['new_industry'].value;          

    // Retrieve text field value and set the value to current record field.
            if (resultXml != null && resultXml.attributes['new_industrydetail'] != null) {
                var industrydetail = resultXml.attributes['new_industrydetail'].value;          

    // Retrieve lookup field value and set the value to current record field.
            if (resultXml != null && resultXml.attributes['primarycontactid'] != null) {          
                var lookupValue = new Array();
                lookupValue[0] = new Object();
                lookupValue[0].id = resultXml.attributes['primarycontactid'].id;
                lookupValue[0].name = resultXml.attributes['primarycontactid'].name;
                lookupValue[0].entityType = resultXml.attributes['primarycontactid'].logicalName;

    function getDetails(EntityName, EntityId) {
        var cols = ["new_industry", "new_industrydetail", "primarycontactid"];
        var retrievedResult = XrmServiceToolkit.Soap.Retrieve(EntityName, EntityId, cols);
        return retrievedResult;

    After that you need to add the following files to the Form Libraries.


    Monday, 6 January 2014

    Prevent to create opportunity when qualifying Lead in CRM 2013

    Use the following code in your plugin and register in the PostValidation on the QualifyLead message for the Lead entity.

    context.InputParameters["CreateOpportunity"] = false; // set to true by default
    //context.InputParameters["CreateAccount"] = false; // set to true by default
    //context.InputParameters["CreateContact"] = false; // set to true by default